Background and rationale for the intervention Access to reproductive health information and family planning services remains a significant global challenge. An estimated 214 million women of reproductive age in developing countries have an unmet need for contraception, primarily because they lack access to information, education, and contraceptive services (1). Unmet … [Read more...] about Linking CHVs, Youth and Community Members to increase Family Planning Services
CHW Central is hiring CHW Ambassadors
A common saying in the CHW community is “nothing about us without us.” CHW Central is dedicated to highlighting CHW perspectives, views and opinions. CHW Voices, a new page on the CHW Central website, will provide a platform for community health workers to share meaningful stories, opinions, photographs and experiences of triumphs and trials in their work life. It will serve … [Read more...] about CHW Central is hiring CHW Ambassadors
Remembering Dr. Paul Farmer
“If we train village health workers, and make sure they’re compensated, then the resources intended for the world’s poorest – from vaccines, to bed nets, to prenatal care, and to care for chronic diseases like AIDS and tuberculosis – would reach the intended beneficiaries. Training and paying village health workers also creates jobs among the very poorest.”- Dr. Paul … [Read more...] about Remembering Dr. Paul Farmer