Authors: Rogers A, Goore LL, Wamae J, Starnes JR, Okong'o SO, Okoth V, Mudhune S
This study investigated the predictors of CHW knowledge of obstetric and early infant danger signs as well as performance in achieving antenatal care and immunization uptake among their clients. The study found that recency of training and experience were associated with improved CHW knowledge and performance. Clients of CHWs trained through the intervention were 15% more likely to be fully immunized and 14% more likely to have completed four or more antenatal care visits.
Link: Training and experience outperform literacy and formal education as predictors of community health worker knowledge and performance, results from Rongo sub-county, Kenya.
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Resource Type: Research
Year: 2023
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Kenya
Publisher May Restrict Access: No