Authors: Molly M Eggleston, Leigh Anne Schmidt, Ashwini Chaudhari, Thistle Elias
The PA-WISE program, funded by the CDC’s WISEWOMAN award, aims to prevent cardiovascular disease in Pennsylvania, especially among low-income women. PA-WISE partnered with Latino Connection to create Mujer Poderosa/Powerful Woman (MP/PW), using bilingual community health workers to engage and educate marginalized women. Latino Connection found that different communities required different approaches to connect women with health resources. MP/PW adapted its outreach and interventions based on women’s education levels, acculturation, immigration status, and trust. The program highlights the need for flexibility in addressing the diverse needs of marginalized women.
Link: The Power of Tailoring a Government-Funded Heart Health Program for Marginalized Women: Lessons from WISEWOMAN and Mujer Poderosa/Powerful Woman
Resource Topic: Cardiovascular health
Resource Type: Evaluation
Year: 2024
Country: United States of America
Publisher May Restrict Access: No