Authors: Tiawanlyn G Godwin-Akpan, Shahreen Chowdhury, Emerson J Rogers, Karsor K Kollie, Fasseneh Zeela Zaizay, Anna Wickenden, Georgina V K Zawolo, Colleen B M C Parker, Laura Dean
The purpose of the study is to test the efficacy of the Optimal Model to improve early diagnosis of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and therefore minimizing access delays and reducing the burden of disease. The Optimal Model was developed through a collaboration among the national program, lower levels of the health system, and people impacted by NTDs. The annual number of cases detected increased during the year the model was implemented; there was increased knowledge of the transmission, signs, symptoms, and management options among community health workers (CHW). The results indicate the benefits of an integrated approach that depends on a high level of collaboration, joint planning, and implementation embedded within existing health systems infrastructure.
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Resource Topic: CHW, Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)
Resource Type: Mixed Methods, Research
Year: 2023
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Liberia
Publisher May Restrict Access: No