Authors: Jesslyn Hwei Sing Chong, Jia Yi Chee, Zack Zhong Sheng Goh, Hee Hoon Lee, Thong Gan Chee, Esther Xi Xiang Tan, Phillip Phan, Adrian Ujin Yap
Community-based health programs like “Get Well, Live Well” are not yet fully integrated into Singapore’s public health system. This study looked at how older adults view the program and the role of Community Health Workers (CHWs), called Care Connectors, in improving health knowledge and behaviors. Interviews with 19 participants (mostly older women) highlighted three main benefits: the program’s physical and emotional support, increased health knowledge, and better social connections. Success seemed tied to the Care Connectors’ personal skills, quality of service, and strong engagement with participants. These insights suggest that skilled CHWs could boost the impact of similar programs in the future.
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Resource Topic: Preventive health
Resource Type: Qualitative
Year: 2024
Region: Asia
Country: Singapore
Publisher May Restrict Access: No