Authors: Solomon Abrha Damtew, Fitsum Tariku Fantaye, Metages Yohannes, Kelemua Menegesha Sene
This study examined community acceptance of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) as childbirth care providers in Ethiopia, finding that 58.63% of pregnant women believed their community accepted TBAs for deliveries. Factors like primary education and plans for more children increased this acceptance, while higher household income, specific regions, and certain religious affiliations reduced it. The high reliance on TBAs, despite WHO recommendations for skilled birth attendants, highlights the need for targeted efforts to promote skilled childbirth care. These include improving women’s education and economic status, involving religious leaders, and creating region-specific awareness campaigns to support maternal and newborn health.
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Resource Topic: Traditional Birth Attendants
Resource Type: Cross-sectional mixed methods
Year: 2024
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Ethiopia
Publisher May Restrict Access: No