Authors: Glória Cristina de Souza Streit, Júlia Borgheti Brum, Laura Binsfeld Hames, Rafael Niederauer do Nascimento, Fernanda Soares Aurélio Patatt
This study assessed whether community health workers retained knowledge about hearing health over time and whether retention was influenced by their age, education level, or length of service. Thirty participants attended four remote meetings covering various hearing health topics, with quizzes given immediately after training and later on. The results showed no significant difference in quiz scores over time, indicating that knowledge was maintained. Retention of knowledge was not affected by age, education, or length of service.
Link: Maintenance of knowledge acquired by community health workers on hearing health topics: A remote teaching approach
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Resource Topic: CHW training, Knowledge
Resource Type: Qualitative
Year: 2024
Country: United States of America
Publisher May Restrict Access: No