Authors: Anne Niyigena, Naome Nyirahabimana, Vincent Cubaka, Vestine Mukandayisenga, Elias Ngizwenayo, Pierre Celestin Niyigena, Dale Barnhart
This cross-sectional multimethod investigates CHWs knowledge and practices related to outbreaks and COVID-19 in Rwanda. It assesses associations between outbreak related knowledge and receipt of training, and between COVID-19 related knowledge, CHW characteristics and adoption of prevention methods. Results indicate that 56.2% of CHWs had received training on a health topic in the 12 months prior to COVID-19 while only 19.2% had received training on outbreak preparedness. Gaps in knowledge, training, and access to information highlight a need for additional investment in supervision and credible information systems to support CHWs.
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Resource Topic: COVID-19, Community Health Workers/Volunteers
Resource Type: Cross-sectional mixed methods, Research
Year: 2023
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Rwanda
Publisher May Restrict Access: No