Authors: Sejla Isanovic, Musa Sanoe, Shelbie Wooten, Edward A Frongillo, Aisha K Yousafzai, Christine E Blake, Mufaro Kanyangarara, Melanie Swan, Nicole Rodger, Miriam Murray, Leila M Larson
In Liberia, children face challenges like poor nutrition, lack of stimulation, and illness, which can harm their development. This study tested an intervention that combined parenting support with providing eggs and fish for better child feeding. Thirty caregivers and their children participated in group sessions and received food for four weeks. The intervention was delivered by trained community health workers. Results showed that the program was feasible, with high acceptance and participation. The study also suggested improvements, like involving fathers and adding home visits. This approach can be included in existing health programs to support early childhood development.
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Resource Topic: CHW, Child health, Nutrition, Rural Health
Resource Type: Mixed Methods
Year: 2024
Region: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Country: Liberia
Publisher May Restrict Access: No