Authors: Yining Wang, Hui Ren, Shaotan Xiao, Tian Meng, Shuyue Sun, Siyu Yu, Qing Liu, Fan Wang
This study examined the digital skills of community health workers in Shanghai, China, for promoting health through digital media. It found that nearly half of the workers used digital media for over 19 hours a week, but their overall digital capacity for health promotion was moderate. Factors such as education level, positive attitudes toward digital media, and experience in using digital media for health promotion were linked to higher digital capacity. The study suggests that improving digital skills among health workers through training and support is crucial for effective health promotion using digital media.
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Resource Topic: CHW, Digital technology, Health promotion, Technology
Resource Type: Cross-sectional mixed methods
Year: 2024
Region: Asia
Country: China
Publisher May Restrict Access: No