Authors: Sonia Bishop, Kelley Pascoe, Janet Rojina, Katherine Lopez, Theresa Kehne, Karen Torres, Kimiko Domoto-Reilly, Linda Ko
This study assessed how a culturally tailored Alzheimer’s disease (AD) training for Community Health Workers (CHWs) improved their knowledge about AD and Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers (ADRC) among Hispanic/Latinx communities. After the training, CHWs showed a significant increase in knowledge about AD, its symptoms, prevention, and local ADRCs. The findings suggest that providing culturally appropriate training for CHWs can effectively increase awareness of AD and ADRC. Future research should explore how CHWs can use this knowledge to educate Hispanic/Latinx communities about AD and ADRC opportunities.
Link: Evaluation Of An Alzheimer’s Disease Training For Latinx Community Health Workers
Resource Topic: Alzheimer’s disease, CHW training, Dementia
Resource Type: Evaluation
Year: 2024
Region: North America (U.S. and Canada)
Country: United States of America
Publisher May Restrict Access: Yes