Authors: Sojib Bin Zaman, Rajkumari Singh, Roger G. Evans, Akash Singh, Rajesh Singh, Parul Singh, Hem Prakash, Manoj Kumar, Amanda G. Thrift
This study developed and tested a 5-day training program for Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), female community health workers in India, focusing on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In a randomized trial in Tehri-Garhwal district, 36 ASHAs participated. The program significantly increased NCD knowledge among ASHAs compared to controls. ASHAs in the intervention group reported acquiring new skills for NCD detection. The training approach, using government-approved manuals and interactive methods, shows promise for enhancing NCD management in low-resource settings.
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Resource Topic: CHW training, NON Communicable Diseases/NCD
Resource Type: Cluster Randomized Trial
Year: 2024
Region: Asia
Country: India
Publisher May Restrict Access: No