Authors: Raymond Sudoi, Jackline Nyaberi, George Otieno, Maricianah Onono
This study tested if SMS reminders could improve malaria prevention among pregnant women in Busia County, Kenya. From September 2023 to February 2024, 156 women were randomized into two groups: one received SMS reminders about using insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and taking preventive malaria medication (IPTp), while the other did not. ITN use was already high at the start, so no significant changes were seen. However, adherence to IPTp medication improved in both groups, with the SMS group showing reinforcement of this behavior. Combining SMS reminders with community health worker (CHW) outreach can boost malaria prevention, especially for IPTp adherence.
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Resource Topic: CHW Role, Malaria, Pregnancy
Resource Type: Randomized controlled trial
Year: 2024
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Kenya
Publisher May Restrict Access: No