Welcome to CHW Central! This site is designed to be a “community of practice,” which means it exists for you but also requires you and other members of the community to participate in order to make it valuable.
In this ‘Conversations with…’ section of the site you will have the opportunity to hear from people working at the forefront of designing, implementing and evaluating CHW programs. The first conversation, with Rebecca Furth, looks at an operations research project currently underway that asks whether assessment leads to improvement in CHW programs.
We have all kinds of questions we want to discuss, the most basic being: What do we mean when we say “community health worker”? After all, some CHWs are paid, others volunteer; some provide comprehensive care, others are focused on a targeted service; some work 4 hours a week, while others work 40 hours a week. What are useful ways to define and categorize CHWs? Add your thoughts on this in the comments section below.
Also, CHW Central has lined up a number of experts in CHW programs. They will present their questions in this section in the coming months to discuss with you. But we also want to hear from you…let us know what you think would be good topics for a discussion and who you think should be asked to host a conversation.
Welcome to the conversation, and to the site. We look forward to sharing ideas, questions, and experiences together.
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