Authors: Sumeet Jain, Pooja Pillai & Kaaren Mathias
This study investigates the strategies employed by community health workers (CHWs) collaborating with people with psychosocial disabilities in urban north India to address social dimensions of mental health. Through interviews with CHWs, the research reveals that CHWs possess social, cultural, and psychological skills, forming trusting relationships and exhibiting in-depth knowledge of clients’ lives. CHWs analyze and intervene in social, political, and economic factors influencing mental health, implementing micro-innovations tailored to the local context. The study underscores the importance of local knowledge, time, and relationships in shaping CHWs’ efforts to address social aspects of mental health.
Link: Opening up the ‘black-box’: what strategies do community mental health workers use to address the social dimensions of mental health?
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Resource Topic: Mental health
Resource Type: Evaluation
Year: 2024
Region: Asia
Country: India
Publisher May Restrict Access: No