Authors: Disa Lubker Cornish, Halkeno Tura, and Susan Roberts-Dobie
In Mozambique, child malnutrition remains a persistent problem. This study evaluated the use of community health workers (CHWs) as part of a health promotion strategy in a USAID-funded Child Survival Program in Mozambique five years after the program ended. CHWs proved to be valuable in the fight against child malnutrition, however, they need financial support and training to continue this important work.
Link: Mother-To-Mother: Evaluation of The Sustainability of A Peer Model to Communicate Nutrition Messages in Mozambique
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Resource Topic: Care Group Model, Community Health Workers/Volunteers, Evaluation, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, Sustainability, malnutrition
Resource Type: Research
Year: 2020
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Mozambique
Publisher May Restrict Access: No